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Posts Tagged ‘behavior’

  1. Impulse Control: Hold on a Second


    March 22, 2015 by Julia

    When I come home, this is what I typically see: I have talked a little about teaching impulse control in …
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  2. When the Pup is Away


    October 13, 2014 by Julia

    Dash was busy while Delta and I were soaking in the information at the seminar this weekend. Shady was enjoying …
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  3. Cover-ing Our Baseline


    October 3, 2014 by Julia

    Yesterday Dash and I had the opportunity to attend a 4-hour mini seminar with Kayce Cover to work on conditioned relaxation …
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  4. The Feeling In Tense


    June 4, 2014 by Julia

    Dash and I (and the untrainer, too!) recently started the Behavior Modification Program offered at Finish Forward. Much like Dash’s “manic” …
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  5. Keeping Our Sanity Intact


    May 19, 2014 by Julia

    When I got my first Boxer, Xena, in 2003 it was “common knowledge” that responsible pet owners (who weren’t breeders) …
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