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Posts Tagged ‘pet ownership’

  1. Let Grief Out, Let Love In


    June 22, 2017 by Julia

    I recently went through a period where my left leg was giving me some trouble. Nothing major, just soreness and …
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  2. Dealing with DM: Time to Heal


    February 21, 2017 by Julia

    In January of 2016, a little over two months after Dash’s DM diagnosis, I broke my leg. The tibial plateau …
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  3. Dealing with DM: Walking into the Twilight


    October 29, 2016 by Julia

    I thought of writing this post months ago, when Dash and I (and his wheelchair) took a peaceful walk at …
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  4. Dogs of Divorce: 50% Custody, 50% Guilt


    June 3, 2016 by Julia

    At the end of my initial Dogs of Divorce post, I mentioned feeling badly that I was enjoying some of my “dog-free” …
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  5. Oh, Behave!


    January 11, 2015 by Julia

    Frequently when someone outside of dog sports sees me training my dog, they’ll comment on how well trained she is …
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