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Posts Tagged ‘dog’

  1. Miles & the Cookie Man


    June 10, 2022 by Julia

    “Can I give them a treat? Just them little milkbone things,” he said, “If that’s OK with you.”

  2. Rehoming is Not a Dirty Word


    April 22, 2022 by Julia

    I recently saw a meme going around that reads: “Reasons to re-home your dog: ––you died, that’s all.” (Facebook post …
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  3. Dealing with DM: Time to Heal


    February 21, 2017 by Julia

    In January of 2016, a little over two months after Dash’s DM diagnosis, I broke my leg. The tibial plateau …
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  4. Impulse Control: Hold on a Second


    March 22, 2015 by Julia

    When I come home, this is what I typically see: I have talked a little about teaching impulse control in …
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  5. Barn Hunt: Stay Outta the Way


    March 15, 2015 by Julia

    As I digest the lessons from my first Barn Hunt trial (another event excellently hosted by UDSNNE), it comes down …
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