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Posts Tagged ‘dog health’

  1. Dealing with DM: Time to Heal


    February 21, 2017 by Julia

    In January of 2016, a little over two months after Dash’s DM diagnosis, I broke my leg. The tibial plateau …
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  2. Dealing with DM: If I Go…


    February 10, 2016 by Julia

    Warning: I was recently in a car accident and broke my left leg and left pinky finger. My ring finger …
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  3. Bringing in the Muscle


    November 24, 2014 by Julia

    On Friday, November 21st, Delta and I became part of a proud Boxer tradition: We participated in a veterinary research …
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  4. A Little Too Hip


    October 8, 2014 by Julia

    Those who know me know that I’m a stickler for keeping dogs trim. I prefer my dogs a little ribby …
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  5. Aging Canines: The 7 Year Twitch


    July 7, 2014 by Julia

    Reaching the 7 year milestone has, thus far, marked a significant change for me. I morph from mostly sane and reasonably concerned dog owner to slightly paranoid and overly worried dog nut, and the number of vet visits see an uptick.

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