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Posts Tagged ‘dog training’

  1. 1st Pack Walk: Good and “Right”


    March 29, 2015 by Julia

    Dash and I had our first official pack walk on Friday. This is a significant step forward in our progress because …
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  2. Impulse Control: Hold on a Second


    March 22, 2015 by Julia

    When I come home, this is what I typically see: I have talked a little about teaching impulse control in …
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  3. Barn Hunt: Stay Outta the Way


    March 15, 2015 by Julia

    As I digest the lessons from my first Barn Hunt trial (another event excellently hosted by UDSNNE), it comes down …
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  4. Self Care as Dog Care


    March 4, 2015 by Julia

    Recently I’ve been going through some turmoil in my personal life. I tried to keep up a normal schedule for …
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  5. Dog People: Be a Little Doggie


    March 1, 2015 by Julia

    We ask a lot of our dogs. They have to live in our world with our very human rules. They …
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