Miles & the Cookie Man
1June 10, 2022 by Julia
Category Miles, Relationships | Tags: Boxer, Boxer dog, dog, dog ownership, dog training, training
Introducing Miles
0May 8, 2022 by Julia

In truth, I wasn’t certain I would write about Miles on this blog. When I started the blog my intent …
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Category Miles | Tags: Boxer, Boxer dog, Boxer puppy, choosing a puppy, dog blog, dog ownership, puppies, responsible breeders, responsible breeding, Schoental's Boxers
Rehoming is Not a Dirty Word
0April 22, 2022 by Julia
I recently saw a meme going around that reads: “Reasons to re-home your dog: ––you died, that’s all.” (Facebook post …
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Category Training | Tags: Boxer, Boxer dog, dog, dog ownership, dog rehome, dog rescue, dog training, rehoming, training
Let Grief Out, Let Love In
0June 22, 2017 by Julia
I recently went through a period where my left leg was giving me some trouble. Nothing major, just soreness and …
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Category Relationships | Tags: behavior modification, Boxer, Boxer dog, Dash, degenerative myelopathy, Delta, DM, dog ownership, grief, pet ownership
Dealing with DM: Time to Heal
1February 21, 2017 by Julia
In January of 2016, a little over two months after Dash’s DM diagnosis, I broke my leg. The tibial plateau …
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Category Dash, Health, Relationships | Tags: degenerative myelopathy, DM, dog, dog health, dog ownership, dogs and grieving, loss, pet ownership, pets