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Putting a New Spin on Training


October 11, 2014 by Julia

Day one of the Bridget Carlsen seminar is over and I’ve got a head full ideas (“that you wouldn’t believe” … sing it with me!). Along with a familiar rush of enthusiasm,  I’m feeling a prickle of doubt. What happens when the initial burst of fervor fades? Will I keep up with it? Can it to get me to my goals in competition?

There is no doubt that I leave every seminar with new knowledge that helps me on my journey. But sometimes it feels like a collection of disparate parts. Parlor tricks or first steps, rather than a plan with a support system to help me troubleshoot along the way. Will this method be the one that sees me through to the finish? Or at least get me through our CD?

Even if this seminar isn’t the key to big progress, it has been a whole lot of fun and it is only half over. I suspect both of us will sleep well tonight. We’ll need it to make it through tomorrow!



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