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Posts Tagged ‘Bridget Carlsen’

  1. The Master Becomes the Student


    December 3, 2014 by Julia

    Over the summer I was in physical therapy for my hip. While I was being shown what healthy tension feels like (hint: …
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  2. Hopping Honeymoon


    October 16, 2014 by Julia

    At the end of the seminar, Bridget asked us to commit to teaching a set of exercises and predicted that …
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  3. Bridget on Target


    October 15, 2014 by Julia

    This weekend I attended the two-day Bridget Carlsen seminar at the K9 Connection in Warwick, RI. It was a whirlwind …
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  4. Da Bitch Face


    October 12, 2014 by Julia

    I’m too exhausted to write up an intelligible summary of the awesomeness that was the Bridget Carlsen seminar right now. …
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  5. Putting a New Spin on Training


    October 11, 2014 by Julia

    Day one of the Bridget Carlsen seminar is over and I’ve got a head full ideas (“that you wouldn’t believe” …
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