It’s Alive!
0September 3, 2014 by Julia
Screen replaced with minimal pain and a reasonable amount of awkwardness. Crate repair, a drop in agility class, and a …
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Category Training | Tags: crate, crate repair, DIY, dog, dog crate, dog training, screen repair
It’s What’s on the Outside that Counts
9September 3, 2014 by Julia
September’s DABAD topic was intended to discuss what activities outside of dog sports and training that helped you and your dog …
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Category Competing, DABAD, Delta, Relationships, Training | Tags: AKC, Boxer, Boxer dog, DABAD, dog, dog ownership, dog training, IPO, obedience, relationship, TealCrest
Bobbin for Boxers
0August 29, 2014 by Julia

I’m not much of a seamstress. Except for an ill-fated attempt at a dress on my own and a bag …
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Category Training | Tags: AKC, DIY yoga mat bag, dog, dogs, harness, sewing, toy repair, UKC, weight pull
Close Knit, Open Weave
0August 18, 2014 by Julia
I know that folks from every breed probably say this, but Boxer people are the best. The performance group at Nationals is part family, part sorority (boys allowed), and part something I can’t quite describe.
Category Competing | Tags: ABC, agility, American Boxer Club, beginner, Boxer, Boxer dog, breed specialty, competition, dog, national specialty, obedience, sportsmanship, training
Oh, Bite Me!
2July 9, 2014 by Julia
Occasionally when I tell people that I train my dog in bitework (aka protection), they are taken aback. I’m teaching my …
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Category Competing, Training | Tags: bite work, bitework, Boxer, Boxer dog, dog obedience, dog training, guarding, IPO, obedience, protection, Schutzhund, TealCrest, training