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Posts Tagged ‘UKC’

  1. Dealing with DM: a Blessing and a Curse


    June 28, 2016 by Julia

    In the 7 months since Dash’s diagnosis, a number of friends have lost their dogs with very little time between …
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  2. D2 2014 Year in Review


    January 4, 2015 by Julia

    2014 was a pretty good year for Dash and Delta. Not easy, not simple, but good.

  3. Apples to AKC


    December 28, 2014 by Julia

    The American Kennel Club is currently the most popular venue for dog sports in the US. When you are around …
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  4. The Master Becomes the Student


    December 3, 2014 by Julia

    Over the summer I was in physical therapy for my hip. While I was being shown what healthy tension feels like (hint: …
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  5. Failure is Not So Foul


    October 19, 2014 by Julia

    I’ve been absorbing the results of Dash’s first-ever weight pull trial, held by UDSNNE at Finish Forward Dogs. As the title …
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