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Posts Tagged ‘dog ownership’

  1. Dealing with DM: Walking into the Twilight


    October 29, 2016 by Julia

    I thought of writing this post months ago, when Dash and I (and his wheelchair) took a peaceful walk at …
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  2. Dealing with DM: a Blessing and a Curse


    June 28, 2016 by Julia

    In the 7 months since Dash’s diagnosis, a number of friends have lost their dogs with very little time between …
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  3. Dogs of Divorce: 50% Custody, 50% Guilt


    June 3, 2016 by Julia

    At the end of my initial Dogs of Divorce post, I mentioned feeling badly that I was enjoying some of my “dog-free” …
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  4. Dealing with DM: If I Go…


    February 10, 2016 by Julia

    Warning: I was recently in a car accident and broke my left leg and left pinky finger. My ring finger …
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  5. Self Care as Dog Care


    March 4, 2015 by Julia

    Recently I’ve been going through some turmoil in my personal life. I tried to keep up a normal schedule for …
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