She’s Rubber, I’m Through
0October 24, 2014 by Julia
Earlier this evening, I called Delta in from the yard. She came tearing up the yard, leaped on to deck …
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Category Delta | Tags: Blogtober, Boxer, Boxer dog, dog, dog blog
#TBT Hiding from the Hiccups
0October 23, 2014 by Julia

The weather was a little brisk for the season when we brought Delta home in Spring 2012. Being a short …
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Category Delta, Relationships | Tags: Boxer, Boxer dog, Boxer puppy, puppies, puppy, puppy hiccups
Two Dog Night
1October 21, 2014 by Julia
It is wet and miserable outside but snuggly warm on the couch. Dash curled up in my lap and Delta …
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Category Dash, Delta, Relationships | Tags: Blogtober, Boxer, Boxer dog, dog, dog blog
Top to “Bottom”
0October 20, 2014 by Julia
Dash’s struggle at the trial and sore leg were kind of a bummer this weekend. He’s still sore, but mostly hobbling …
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Category Delta, Training | Tags: 2o2o, agility, agility training, AKC, Blogtober, Boxer, Boxer dog, contacts, dog, dog agility, dog blog, dog training, TealCrest
Failure is Not So Foul
1October 19, 2014 by Julia
I’ve been absorbing the results of Dash’s first-ever weight pull trial, held by UDSNNE at Finish Forward Dogs. As the title …
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Category Competing, Dash | Tags: Blogtober, Boxer, Boxer dog, dog, dog blog, UKC, UKC weight pull, weight pull, weight pull trial