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Posts Tagged ‘Boxer dog’

  1. Close Knit, Open Weave


    August 18, 2014 by Julia

    I know that folks from every breed probably say this, but Boxer people are the best. The performance group at Nationals is part family, part sorority (boys allowed), and part something I can’t quite describe.

  2. Oh, Bite Me!


    July 9, 2014 by Julia

    Occasionally when I tell people that I train my dog in bitework (aka protection), they are taken aback.  I’m teaching my …
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  3. Aging Canines: The 7 Year Twitch


    July 7, 2014 by Julia

    Reaching the 7 year milestone has, thus far, marked a significant change for me. I morph from mostly sane and reasonably concerned dog owner to slightly paranoid and overly worried dog nut, and the number of vet visits see an uptick.

  4. The Feeling In Tense


    June 4, 2014 by Julia

    Dash and I (and the untrainer, too!) recently started the Behavior Modification Program offered at Finish Forward. Much like Dash’s “manic” …
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  5. Hidden Hemangio


    May 29, 2014 by Julia

    Warning: This post is a downer. But it contains potentially beneficial (if sad) information about a horrible disease. I have no …
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