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Posts Tagged ‘relationship’

  1. Dealing with DM: a Blessing and a Curse


    June 28, 2016 by Julia

    In the 7 months since Dash’s diagnosis, a number of friends have lost their dogs with very little time between …
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  2. Dogs of Divorce: 50% Custody, 50% Guilt


    June 3, 2016 by Julia

    At the end of my initial Dogs of Divorce post, I mentioned feeling badly that I was enjoying some of my “dog-free” …
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  3. The Master Becomes the Student


    December 3, 2014 by Julia

    Over the summer I was in physical therapy for my hip. While I was being shown what healthy tension feels like (hint: …
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  4. Cover-ing Our Baseline


    October 3, 2014 by Julia

    Yesterday Dash and I had the opportunity to attend a 4-hour mini seminar with Kayce Cover to work on conditioned relaxation …
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  5. BH is for Be Happy!


    September 30, 2014 by Julia

    On September 20th Delta and I attended the USABOX IPO National, hosted by the New England Boxer Klub in Connecticut. …
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